Devikothi Village The Shodh Yatra led us in the beautiful village of Devikothi, one very isolated hamlet of the Chirah Valley about 110km from the district headquarters of Chamba in Himanchal Pradesh. This village was typical of the ones we went through during our visit of Himanchal. Perched on the flank of the mountain, nestled in a forest of tall resinous trees, it is a charming intertwining maze of little alleys and flights of stairs. We crossed paths with very welcoming and friendly villagers, but also with flocks of sheep and the occasional cows and mule. The narrow paths through which this vivid crowd flows are flanked with charming houses painted in pastel colors. Some majestic wooden buildings look down into the deep valley of shining green. At the bottom of the village, in front of a square sits the temple of Chamunda dedicated to Devi with its rich depictions of animals and the exploits of the goddess Durga. The wooden carvings an...
A blog that describe our (Students of Shodh Yatra course at IIM Ahmadabad) to a beautiful place in Himachal Pradesh in India- Chamba (Churah Valley).